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Sri Vidhya Sadhana

Sri means prosperity vidhya denotes practical knowledge, sri vidhya means an art which evolves our self to prosperity. sri vidhya is a school of thought based on shaktism. Worship of ma lalitha maha tripurasundari is prime and apex. Sri vidhya is the only school of thought where breathework,chakras, kundalini and chanting of mantras everything comes together in a perfect blend. The tantric nature of this art makes it less academic and more of a journey with Guru. Unlike vedas and other aagamas, knowledge of sri vidhya is not imparted through books from times immemmorial. Great sages and seers have always imparted the divine knowledge person to person.

History of Sri Vidhya

It was at the time when lord shiva just created all the aagamas and vedas. Ma parvati asked shiva, " oh maha deva there are numerous ways to achieve what we want and to walk in the path of self realisation, but all the ways are academic or have some limitations to it which again excludes certain people or community. Please be merciful and bless the world with a path which all can walk. Maha deva replied, " oh devi i give you the yantra vidhya or knowledge of yantras when worshiped in certain way blesses the devotee with all the glory in life and gave devi 64 yantras. After this devi looked little worried and maha deva asked the reason the sadness. Devi replied that she asked for one art form and now there is again 64 of such with certain limitations applied to each one. maha deva smiled a little and said to devi, “ oh devi your concern to the world is unmatched i hereby give the one supreme of knowledge and it may be from now be called as maha vidhya, sri vidhya. Having said that lord shiva created sri yantra or sri chakra the supreme of all yantras and thought devi the worship methods. Devi was the first to recieve and became shiva shakti. The beauty is that she id the disciple and she is the master. Sameway the very art of sri vidhya is that a disciple should become one with the divinity.


This art was then thought to nandhi, from nandhi devar the branch spread to hayagreeva and dattatreya and from them to the rest of the world till now. Sri Vidhya is a tantric practice. When the word tantric is used the meaning immediately is mistaken. The real meaning of tantra is the intention. The intention behind how you do things and what you deciede to do. This harmny

deciedes the success of any activity. As the history suggest the artform itself did not emerge as an acedemic nature hence it is passed on to from one to another till date. Sri vidhya like all performance art where it can only be learned from a master by due deligence.

Guru Sri Aascharyanandha

Aascharyanandha is the present guru of the long lineage of Shambavi Peetam. He is a respected Lightworker, sanyasi and healer known for his profound insights in mantra, tantra and yantra vidhya and has a deep expertise in Sri vidhya tradition. He was initiated into this tradition by revered guru Sri Sai Pushyananadha, predecessor to the present guru. After the initiation Sri Sai Aascharyanandha in few years had a spiritual enlightenment and after the demise of his Guru in feb 15 2014, Sri Sai Aascharyanandha adorned the Jagadguru tittle of Shambavi Peetam. Sri sai Aascharyanandha is very compassionate and has a very practical approach towards life. He emphasizes the integration of spirituality into daily life and encourages individuals to not see material and spiritual life different but two sides of the same coin. He emphasises that only a person with focus and strong willed can elevate himself and the society. Sri Aascharyanandha became Guru at the age of 19 and continues to serve people and enlighten the society for almost now 11 years.

Sri Aascharyanandha guides individuals to :

  • Self-Realization: Understanding one's true nature and the interconnectedness of all beings.

  • Inner Transformation: Cultivating positive qualities such as love, compassion, and wisdom.

  • Spiritual Practices: Engaging in practices like meditation, mantra recitation, and ritual worship.

  • Balancing Spiritual and Material Life: Harmonizing one's spiritual aspirations with the demands of everyday life.

Shambavi Peetam, under the guidance of Aascharyanandha, continues to inspire and empower individuals through shakti-path leading them to growth and transformation. People can get initiated into sri vidhya upasana through his get initiated programme where guruji persnolly blesses the meru and initiates into the shakti tradition.

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